Audio Replace allows you to use a better quality recording in place of your existing one; keeping all your section breaks, slides, text and colours! This lets you create your notes while recording live even when you know you'll get a better quality recording at a later date.
You will need to have your Audio Notetaker Project file and an audio recording of the same thing! It doesn't matter if there's a little extra audio at the beginning and end of the files (we expect this) but the end results can vary if you have edited the actual audio in either the original or replacement.
If you want to try this out we have an Audio Replace Tutorial File you can use to see it an action. /My Documents/Audio Notetaker Recordings/Demo Files/Audio Replace Tutorial.ran
Or if you've downloaded the example from our Content Packs then it will also be in a slightly different folder: \Documents\Audio Notetaker Recordings\Content Packs\Sonocent\Audio Notetaker Training\Audio Replace Tutorial.ran
Because of the way we use chunks to display your audio you may find that the section breaks and chunk colours are slightly different from the original.