Android User Guide - Colouring
- As you record your audio you can mark key points with colour.
- Use the colour circle buttons (1) to colour the audio chunks.
- Use the colour square buttons (2) to colour the entire section.
- To configure the options for the current recording, press the settings button or on smaller screens choose Colour Key in the Options Menu.
- You can edit, add and remove colour keys from settings on the main file list screen (see below).
Recording Settings
- While recording you can press the settings button to alter the colours available or on smaller screens choose Colour Key in the Options Menu.
- Current Colour Key - will allow you to pick a colour key from any available on your device.
- Edit Current Colour Key - will allow you to alter the key you currently have selected.
- Glance Mode Chunk Colour - will allow you to pick which colour is used in Glance Mode.
Current Colour Key
- Click on a different key to switch the key in use.
Edit Current Colour Key
- You can change the name of the key by tapping on the name (1). The names of pre-installed keys cannot be changed.
- You cannot set the default key from the recording settings - use the main settings button to do this.
- Clicking on a chunk colour (2) or section colour (3) will let you change the name associated with the colour and the colour itself.
- You can add new colours by clicking on the + button (4). You can choose the colour and name associated with it. Theres a 'New Colour button for chunks and section colours; you might need to scroll down to see all the options for Section Colours.
- To change the colour simply pick one from the available colours.
App-wide settings
- You can add new colour keys, change or delete keys from the main settings button (1).
- Scroll down the page to view the Colouring options.
- Continuous Colouring - this option is on by default and when on, will continue to colour subsequent chunks, as they are recorded, with your selected colour.
- Glance Mode Chunk Colour - Choose which colour is used in Glance Mode. The colours available are limited to those available in the current (default) colour key.
- Edit Colour Key - Lets you pick your default key, edit existing keys, create new keys and delete keys.
- The default Colour Key used when you start a new recording is ticked (1)
- Tap on a key to edit it.
- Use the + button (2) to add a new key.
- To Delete a Key: Long press the key to delete then press delete button (3) Note that you cannot delete the inbuilt colour keys.
- To Copy a Key: Long press the key to copy and press the copy button (4).
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