As well as specifying what kind of words you would like to ignore:
and the maximum number of suggestions you would like, you can specify an external user dictionary. If you use Microsoft Word, you should browse to the Word user dictionary so that Audio Notetaker knows about the words you usually use.
In Office 2003, you can locate your user dictionary by opening Word, and going to Tools->Options. Select Spelling & Grammar then Custom Dictionaries. This will tell you the full path of your user dictionary.
In Office 2007, open Word and click on the Office button, then on Word Options and select the Proofing section of the window that appears. Click on Custom Dictionaries and the folder containing the custom dictionary is displayed labelled 'File path'.
in Office 2010, open Word and select File>Options>Proofing; click the Custom Dictionaries button and the folder containing the custom dictionary is displayed labelled 'File path'.