Reference Guide: 11.1 Standard Shortcuts

Reference Guide: 11.1 Standard Shortcuts

  • Alt
:Opens Menus
  • Ctrl C
  • Ctrl V
  • Ctrl X
  • Ctrl F
  • Ctrl N
:New File
  • Ctrl O
:Open File
  • Ctrl S
:Save File
  • Ctrl P
:Print File
  • Ctrl Z
  • Ctrl Y
  • Ctrl A
:Select All
  • Ctrl B
  • Ctrl I
  • Ctrl U
  • F1
:User Guide
  • F7
:Spell Check
  • Page Up
:Go to Previous Section
  • Page Down
:Go to Next Section
  • Ctrl Tab
:Moves between Audio Notetaker tabs
  • Del
:Deletes Selection
  • F5
:Refresh file search
  • Escape
:Close Screen Capture
  • Ctrl Insert
  • Shift Delete
  • Shift Insert

    You can also navigate to the traditional Windows menus. Press the ALT key to temporarily display the menus (or make them always visible from Options).

    Each item on the menus can be selected using the underlined letter.

    • ALT
    :Show Menus
    • Alt F
    :File Menu
    • Alt E
    :Edit Menu
    • Alt V
    :View Menu
    • Alt A
    :Audio Menu
    • Alt O
    :Format Menu
    • Alt M
    :Manage Menu
    • Alt T
    :Tools Menu
    • Alt H
    :Help Menu
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