4. Screen Capture - Use Output Recording and Screen Capture to record an On-Line video
If you work with on-line presentations you can use Screen Capture and Output Recording to work with these in the same way you would with a live presentation.
If you don’t have a
Project tab
, open a new one with the '+' tab or Home Tab → New Project → Blank Project or App Menu → New.
You can also use the Home Tab → Recording from Speakers Only button
- Find the video you want to work with in your internet browser.
- In Audio Notetaker, click on the Screen Capture Button or press CTRL+ALT+C
- The Screen Capture Frame will appear and will remain on top. Navigate back to your on-line video and position the frame (click and drag on the top left corner) and click and drag the borders to resize it over your video.
- Back in Audio Notetaker, click the drop-down arrow below the Record button and select Speakers Only.
- Select Record From and make sure that the speakers that are going to play the video are selected.
- When you are ready, press the Record button or Ctrl+R.
- Begin playing your video: Audio Notetaker will start to capture the audio that you hear through your computers speakers.
- When you want to capture a still image from the video click the camera button
which will add the image into a new section.
- When you have finished you can stop the recording and close the Screen Capture window. Fill in the Title, Topic and Speaker in the Tagging Fields and use the Save button
or App Menu>Save As to save as an Audio Notetaker Project.
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